The Transport Board Senior Management team recently attended a Productivity Seminar conducted by Mr. John Pilgrim, Executive Officer of the Productivity Council.
The seminar addressed the Strategic Elements of Performance and Productivity Management. It sought to introduce participants to the significance of utilizing results-oriented approach, for the improvement of corporate and employee performance.
This seminar encouraged the senior managers to better utilize the skills of the employees, including their strengths, to better improve employee performance as it relates to the goals and policies of the Board, thus improving efficiency and maintaining a better service.
The four basic pillars of the seminar on Productivity Management were to seek to explain how to design a Performance Appraisal as a motivational tool, to explain the importance of Productivity Auditing, to understand the importance of employees’ involvement within
Performance Improvement, and to detail the fundamental role that productivity-related education sessions play within the pursuit and sustainability of performance improvement and productivity management.
There was also spirited discussion on the rationalisation of over two thousand routes with a view to improving service to the travelling public.
The Transport Board management team has already embarked on several in-house programs with employees, seeking to improve work ethic, customer relations, and the general efficiency of The Transport Board.